Hey There! I'm April Kensington creator of the sacred products of Hidden Forest Naturals from ingredients to finished product, my heart and spirit is in each step.
"Reverence for Nature is the foundation of Hidden Forest. We are nature, and we humans need re-wilding to remember we are all a part of the ecosystem that allows us to live these magical lives."
Meet Hope our Chief Joy Officer
I founded Hidden Forest Naturals to offer people what they really need - sustainable, life-giving products made with love. I believe that offering these things in deep gratitude for the soil and plants will restore balance within ourselves as well as our environment because we are part of something bigger than just one person or group; it’s about moving forward together towards an even more wonderful future!
I am a student of life and I share my self taught background in sustainability, soil regeneration, botanicals health & wellness to spread seeds for positive change. I aim at growing the energy around loving kindness by teaching people how they can heal and be re-wilded through connection with nature.